A Diocesan Service for VE Day will be available on Diocesan and Cathedral social media platforms at 12 noon on Friday 8th May. The Dean of Southwark will officiate and the Bishop of Southwark will preach and lead an act of Recommitment to Peace. Click here.
Service of Thanksgiving from Christ Church East Sheen
Meet every Monday at 2:30pm via Zoom to discuss passages from the Acts of the Apostles. The format will be to read a passage together, reflect on it silently, then by sharing a word or phrase which strikes us, and then the vicar will introduce a short discussion between participants. Email revdjames@stmarybarnes.org to join.
Bible Teaching from Holy Trinity, Barnes
Email steven@htbarnes.org for meeting codes. If you aren’t able to join live on Thursday nights the previous weeks recordings are uploaded on htbarnes.org to listen at your leisure.
Online Bible Studies and Reflections from St Luke’s and the Barn Church, Kew
What better way to use lockdown than to pray? But we could all do with a helping hand with prayer. The Prayer Course is designed to do just that. Come and be part of our course, starting on Tuesday 5th May. Find out more and sign up at htrichmond.org.uk/prayercourse
Daily Encouragement and Prayer from Holy Trinity Richmond
Holy Trinity, Richmond are producing a daily encouragement each day (except Sunday), getting different people to write each week. You can find it at holytrinityrichmond.blogspot.com and you can sign up for that via email on there too.
They are also encouraging the church to pray at various points during the week: 7.30am on Tuesdays, midday on Wednesdays and 6pm on Thursdays. Reminders are sent out about this via Facebook and Twitter.
The usual Christian Aid house-to-house collections and events such as Big Brekkies cannot happen this year.
Instead, Christian Aid Week gone online as it is still a vital way of supporting the poorest of communities worldwide, who are also at great risk from the pandemic.
6:30pm, Monday 11th May – Revd James Hutchings will host the quiz, in support of Christian Aid, and hopes you will join him to participate on Facebook live.
The first of the Lent Lectures with a theme of ‘Let justice flow like water’ focusing on peace, justice & reconciliation we hear a talk on ‘Prison, a path to restoration and reconciliation?’ by Revd Tim Clapton, Chaplain at Wandsworth Prison.Click above for details of the Richmond Team Ministry Lent ProgramClick above for details of the St Michael and All Angels Lent Program
St John the Divine held a Lent Lunch on Sunday 1st March , including bread made by Junior Church and soup made by the 20’s and 30’s group, with proceeds going to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal
The women of Zimbabwe have prepared this year’s service on the theme ‘Rise, take up your mat and walk’. They share the challenges they have met and the hopes for the future. The Day of Prayer is celebrated in over 170 countries , beginning in Samoa and finishing in American Samoa more than 36 hours later. Our local service in Richmond is to be a special celebration in St Mary Magdalene as part of the 800th anniversary on Friday March 6th at 2.30pm. All are welcome. Tea and cake after the service.
What contribution does the catholic faith have to make to the current debate about populism, the ‘rise of the right’ and other threats to liberal ideas and institutions?
Eighty years ago the then Vicar of St John the Divine Richmond, anglo-catholic theologian V.A. Demant, (later Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at Oxford) published The Religious Prospect, a prophetic judgement on the inadequacy of much of the liberal thinking of the time for resisting totalitarianism. He believed orthodox Christianity provided a necessary foundation for liberal society, one which defenders of liberal values often neglected at their peril. What has his thinking to offer in our time?
This event is sponsored by the Richmond Team Ministry Suggested donation £5 to include wine For more information please contactRichmond Team Ministry Parish Office: admin@richmondteamministry.org 020 8940 0362 St John the Divine, Kew Road, Richmond TW9 2NA.
Faithful Friends is an Interfaith group based in Ham and Kingston. It aims to give people of different faiths opportunities to meet each other and learn about each other’s traditions. It also organises Understanding Islam courses given by Dr Chris Hewer.
Friday 28th February, 9:30am – 4:30pm at Kingston Guildhall – Understanding Islam the Basics One Day Course with Chris Hewer. Refreshments provided during the day but bring your own lunch.
Course is free but donations are requested to cover expenses. Please contact Diana Mills (Tel: 07804 866349; Email dianamills@phonecoop.coop) to book a place.
There was a full Church at St Mary Magdalene on Sunday 24th November for the Deanery Choral Evensong 6:30pm. We were welcomed by Rev Wilma Roest, vicar of St Mary Magdalene, our Area Dean, Rev Peter Hart gave an address and our Lay Chair, Marian Mollett led us in prayer. An amassed choir from around the Deanery sang Howells Collegium Regale and Vaughn Williams Let All the World.
praying together, learning together, working together