Category Archives: News
our Area Dean writes:
This current situation is serious, and I am sure that we are all responding as best we can, locally. Let’s be faithful in prayer for each other, and share across the deanery our joys and our sorrows.
Let’s use the media at our disposal to share our prayers, our concerns and our good practice. And let us rejoice in our God who loves eternally, heals and comforts our bodies and our souls and sends his Spirit to inspire in us creative and practical ways to demonstrate her presence in the world.
However we worship and pray together over the coming weeks and months, we start with the recognition that God is with us and binding us together, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, and whatever is going on. Christ’s Church will continue to gather, and Christ’s love will be shown in acts of generosity and care to those who live around us.

Say the Lord’s Prayer Twice Daily
It is so important in these difficult times that we are there to offer hope in the face of fear. As we hold onto hope whilst facing reality, I want to invite you to pray together for our nation and for all those affected by the coronavirus at 1pm each day. Please pause in whatever you are doing and say the Lord’s Prayer and again at 7pm. Where it is safe to do so perhaps you could light a candle in your window each evening as a symbol of Christ’s light in our world at this dark time.
The Bishop of Southwark, Rt Revd Christopher Chessun

Click here for some liturgy and prayer resources from the Church of England.
Children’s Worship Online Across the Deanery
Online Resources to Help You and Your Children Worship at Home

Visit for regular live Messy Church

Junior Church Online at St Anne’s Kew
St Anne’s have recognised that school closures, restrictions on travel and new work patterns will be causing real challenges for those who care for children. Wanting to support families, St Anne’s are aiming to provide Junior Church online! The new Junior Church YouTube Channel will share a Bible story, message, activity and prayer each week for families to watch together. Participating families can sign up for an email containing a suggested activity or two, along with the link to the week’s teaching.
They are also using Zoom to get the KS2 kids together for a chat and getting the parents together too.
Contact Emily Norman ( to find out more and see above for her introductory video.
Singing God’s Praises at St Luke’s, Kew
The children of St Luke’s are still enjoying their regular singing sessions with Mary Noyes (St Luke’s Musical Director). See below for one of her songs and visit for more.
Visit for a weekly activity sheet based on Sunday’s lesson. St Luke’s children are meeting via Zoom every Sunday at 10am.
Virtual Junior Church at the Barn Church, Kew
Children at the Barn Church are still gathering for Junior Church via Zoom at 10am every Sunday. They are saying hello, creating a prayer then finishing with coffee and biscuits.
Sunday Activities from Holy Trinity, Richmond
As part of the Sunday’s Worship at Home, Holy Trinity are producing a weekly children’s activity sheet (click here). Also click here for some more resources for children’s worship at home.
is a time to:-
L-isten to God’s voice and reflect.
O-bey His word and His teachings.
C-all on Jesus name and be calmed.
K-now what is the purpose of all this.
D-well in His presence. Do not panic.
O-ffer a prayer for everyone’s safety.
W-ait and be patient. This too shall passover.
N-uture our personal relationship with Him.
Family Home Worship from St Mary the Virgin, Mortlake
Visit for some worship ideas for children.
Online Junior Church from Richmond Team Ministry

Eaglets Toddler Group continues via Zoom

All adults with babies and toddlers are welcome to joi for a Bible story, songs and rhymes.
Email if you would like to take part.
Virtual Youth Group and Sunday Club at St Peter’s, Petersham
A Reflection on Faith from St Michael and All Angels, Barnes
Online Sermons and Prayers from St Lukes and the Barn Church Kew
Worship from at St Luke’s and the Barn Church continues online.
Click here for weekly prayer Ideas Click here for weekly Bible studies here for daily reflections here to read or listen to the weekly sermon
Worship, Encouragement and Prayer from Holy Trinity Richmond
Sunday Worship at Home
Holy Trinity are live-streaming a Sunday service at 10am each Sunday via YouTube and providing a weekly service sheet for people to follow along with at home, or use on its own if they want. This is updated regularly with suggested prayer points, children’s activities and a playlist. Click here for details.
Daily Encouragement Blogspot
They are also producing a daily encouragement each day (except Sunday), getting different people to write each week. You can find it at and you can sign up for that via email on there too.
Call To Prayer
They are also encouraging the church to pray at various points during the week: 7.30am on Tuesdays, midday on Wednesdays and 6pm on Thursdays. Reminders are sent out about this via Facebook and Twitter.
See for further details of what’s happening at Holy Trinity during the coronavirus crisis.
St Mary Barnes Looks Back
Just before the lockdown, St Mary Barnes had fortunately started photographing the church scrapbooks which go back more than 40 years. The scrapbooks were started in 1978 with the fire that devastated the church building. The books, which have been carefully compiled by members of the church, document the story from the aftermath of the fire, through it’s rebuilding to the present day.
To help deal with this period of being unable to come into church, they are going to feature some photos from one year per week at a time, on the History & Architecture page on the website and on social media.
St Mary the Virgin Mortlake is an Eco-Church
St Mary the Virgin, Mortlake has been awarded the ECO Church bronze award. Well done to St Mary’s for demonstrating that “gospel is good news for God’s earth”.
To read more about the award, visit
Groups all over the Deanery are Still Meeting
One by product of social distancing and staying at home is the use of Zoom by churches throughout the country. We have all become experts in video-conferencing and are enjoying meeting regularly even though we can’t be together physically. There are Zoom prayers, Bible studies, House Groups, Junior Church, after church coffee and more.
Here’s a few of the pictures from congregations and clergy across the deanery.

Holy Week and Easter 2020 Across the Deanery
Easter gardens and artwork from the children Palm crosses for Palm Sunday

Services and Bible Teaching from Holy Trinity Barnes
Rev David Cooke looks to the words of St Paul in his letter to Timothy when he says “even though I am chained like a criminal, the Word of God is not chained” (2 Timothy 2:9). Even though we may feel like we are in prison and we are not allowed out the truth is the Word of God is not chained.
Holy Trinity Barnes is streaming two live services each and running Bible teaching via Zoom.