The new Bishop of Kingston, The Revd Canon Dr Martin Gainsborough was consecrated on Thursday 2 February, at Canterbury Cathedral. Read the full press release below.
The Bishop of Southwark describe the service as “a glorious consecration of Bishops – great turnout and a warm welcome to Bishop Martin and Mary.
Bishop Martin said “Deep sense of gratitude for all that happened yesterday. Great to see so many people. Thank you all. Now to get to know the parishes, schools & chaplaincies of the Kingston Area and of course the wonderful clergy.”
The service was livestreamed and a recording can be watched here.
On Friday 16th December, Downing Street announce that the King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Dr Jonathan Martin Gainsborough, Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol, in the Diocese of Bristol, to the Suffragan See of Kingston, in the Diocese of Southwark, in succession to The Right Reverend Dr Richard Cheetham following his retirement.
Read the full press release below:
Rev’d Canon Martin Gainsborough will be consecrated Bishop on 2nd February 2023 at Canterbury Cathedral. Please pray for him in his new role:
Heavenly Father, our Shepherd and Guide
We thank you for the appointment
of your servant, Martin Gainsborough,
as bishop designate of Kingston.
May your Holy Spirit give him
your gifts of wisdom and strength,
gentleness and compassion,
as he prepares to take up his role as our pastor and teacher.
May he be a shepherd after your own heart,
who will love you, walk with Jesus and be filled with the Spirit.
May he be a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth,
Christ centred and outward focussed.
As Bishop designate Martin gets ready to make his home among us,
may we welcome him joyfully into our Diocesan community,
and together bear witness to Christ
and the building up of your kingdom.
We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ,