Churches are now allowed to open to the public for private prayer and reflection and for services.
These services will be different from normal in so many ways. There will be social distancing in place and a whole host of other measures to ensure that the congregation and clergy remain safe. Some of the Churches in the deanery will be able to cope easily with these measures some may not.
The Archdeacons of our Diocese, have written to clergy and
churchwardens this week and said:
The re-opening of churches is permission and not compulsion… So we say to you, please allow yourselves adequate time to prepare for a resumption of public worship.
Not every church needs to recommence public worship before the summer. We might see public worship only partially restored before the autumn.
Please keep revisiting this page for details of when our Churches are opening for worship.
St Michael and All Angels, Barnes

Mid-week services also resume and may be especially appropriate for those who would prefer smaller gatherings than on Sunday:
9.00am Morning Prayer every day (except Friday)
Noon Mass on Wednesday
9.30am Mass on Saturday.
The church is open every day (except Friday) from 8.45am until dusk for personal prayer.
St Mary, Barnes
Public worship resumes from 5th July with the following services on Sundays:
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
10am Parish Eucharist
11.30am Parish Eucharist
6pm Evensong
To manage numbers, please email or call 020 8741 5422 if you plan to come.
The Church is usually open for private prayer 9am-5pm each day.
All Saints, East Sheen
8am Eucharist resumes from 12th July.
10am Eucharist resumes from 5th July. This service will be live-streamed on Facebook
12 noon Eucharist resumes from 12th July.
Zoom services will continue as follows:
6pm on Weekdays Evensong
10am on Thursdays Morning Worship
The Church is for private prayer open 10am – 5:30pm, Monday to Saturday and 12noon – 5:30pm on Sundays.
St Mary the Virgin, Mortlake
10am Eucharist resumes from 5th July.
The Church is for private prayer open from 12 noon to 2pm each weekday.

Christ Church, East Sheen

The Church is also open for private prayer 2pm – 4pm every day.

St Philip and All Saints with St Luke’s, Kew
Services will resume from 19th July as follows:
9:30am Sundays Eucharist at St Philip and All Saints
11am Sundays Morning Prayer at St Luke’s
10am Thursdays Eucharist at St Luke’s
St Anne’s, Kew
10am Eucharist resumes from 5th July. This will also be live-streamed via Facebook.
8am Said Eucharist resumes from 16th August
Seating capacity is limited to 60 so you are asked to apply to come to church by emailing the parish office at giving the full contact details for yourself and members of your household who will be attending.
The Church is open for private prayer Monday to Friday between 10 and 11am.
Richmond Team Ministry
Services will resume from 19th July as follows:
9:30am St Mary Magdalene
9:30am St Matthias
11am St John the Divine
The Churches in the Richmond team ministry are open for private prayer as follows
Saturday 11 July
St John the Divine 10am – 12noon
St Mary Magdalene 10am – 12noon
St Matthias 10am – 12noon
Sunday 12 July
St Matthias 2pm – 4pm
St Mary Magdalene 2pm – 4pm
Tuesday 14 July
St John the Divine 9:30am-12:30pm
St Peter’s, Petersham
Sunday services will resume from 5th July as follows:
8am Holy Communion (BCP)
9:30am Parish Communion
Recorded Sunday services will be made available to view on YouTube in July and August.
St Richard’s Ham
10am Tuesdays Morning Worship
The Church continues to be open for private prayer every Sunday between 10 and 11.30am.

Holy Trinity Richmond

Sunday services will resume as follows:
6pm Evening Prayer from 2nd August
10am Morning Service from 6th September
Spaces are limited so booking is essential via
Holy Trinity, Barnes

Sunday and Wednesday 10am services resumed from 6th September.
To attend book at Services continue online 10am, Sundays for those unable to attend.