Pastoral Café at St Anne’s, Kew

The Pastoral Support Team (PST) of St Anne’s, Kew, identified the importance of establishing a visible pastoral presence in the church during the week for anyone who would like a little company and a friendly welcome. 

They launched the St Anne’s Welcome Café in February which will be open every Tuesday 10.00 – 12.00 in the Lady Chapel.

Each week, two pastoral support volunteers will host the Welcome Café offering refreshment and a friendly listening ear. All who pass by are welcome – visitors to the building, those who have come to pray, and the many volunteers who stop by during the week. The Lady Chapel offers its quiet beauty and prayerfulness to assist in providing welcome and fellowship to strangers and friends alike. 

If you, or anyone you know could benefit from a cup of tea and a chat, or just to be with others for a while – please do come along and encourage them to join us.