Matthew 25:34-40
Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? …. Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
Update 21st December, 2023
The first two months of the Richmond Soup Kitchen have seen numbers of guests rise steadily – clearly the need is there. Equally, support for RSK has been wonderful, so here are a few highlights:
– More than £5k raised through JustGiving, 26% above target
– Retiring collections at RTM of £500 and still counting
– Orange Tree Theatre collecting tea, coffee and chocolate from theatre-goers for RSK
– £2500 donation from John Lewis’ Give a Little Love campaign
– Vegetable donations from the Kew Gardens community allotment – including 100kg pumpkin
– Regular fundraisers by Richmond Rotary
– Socks and handwarmers gifted anonymously through RTM
– At least 30 new volunteers – including monthly baking by Richmond Scouts
The team at RSK is truly grateful for the steady support from Wilma, Joe and the entire clergy team at RTM and to all of you for your wonderful, generous contributions. Have a happy, warm and safe Christmas and New Year.
Richmond Soup Kitchen needs your help!
- Bake, batch cook or make soup
- Make basic food on the evening
- Welcome guests
- Collect supermarket shopping and donations
- Write grant funding applications
- Donate financially or fundraise