Archbishops Justin and Sentamu have invited every Christian to be part of Thy Kingdom Come: the worldwide movement of prayer. Emma Buchan, Project Director for Thy Kingdom Come writes, “Prayer, and prayer that God would empower all Christians to show and tell of God’s love to all, is always important but maybe none more so than at this time. Whether you have been involved before or not, whether you have planned lots or not had the opportunity to yet, it’s not too late to be involved in this specially adapted Thy Kingdom Come, which started on Ascension Day running through to Pentecost Sunday.
Here are five easy ways your congregation can be involved (the second also contains some resources direct from the Archbishops to help with any online service you are hosting on Pentecost Sunday):
1. DOWNLOAD the free Thy Kingdom Come app – packed full with videos, reflections, a daily podcast from N.T. Wright and the daily prayer journal (a great start to any day) from the Apple or Android app stores, simply search for “Thy Kingdom Come Prayer” (most resources available in a range of languages);
2. RESOURCES FOR YOUR SERVICES- easily downloadable music, prayers and short Thy Kingdom Come reflections from Archbishop Sentamu and Archbishop Justin designed to be included in your own zoom, youtube, vimeo or other Pentecost service. These are available for clergy to download now here: We are also leading on the special Thy Kingdom Come morning service with the Archbishop of Canterbury at 9am on Pentecost Sunday Including prayers from the His Holiness Pope Francis, music lead by Matt Redman and contributions from many others.
3. JOIN – Participate in a webinar joining a time of intercessory prayer lead by Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop Sentamu and Cardinal Vincent Nichols on Thursday 21st May 10:30-11:00. They will be praying for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our world today: that many might come to know the love, peace and joy that is found in Christ. If you would like to join – please register here TKC Intercessory Prayer.
This will be followed by a live Q&A from 11-11:30am with a Facebook live led by Archbishop Justin designed for those on the edges of faith where prayer is something new to them. The Archbishop will share his personal experiences of prayer and also take questions. click here The latter of these would be perfect to send a link to those interested in faith, on an Alpha course, etc.
4. SHARE the wide range of free resources available from including a new augmented reality Family Prayer Adventure Map, a beautiful Prayer Journal, resources to host a continuous prayer room online (24/7), liturgical resources, a Journey with Mary and much more.
5. REGISTER on the website ( what you are doing and where so we can encourage one another by lighting up the interactive map in prayer
When the Spirit of God came upon those waiting, watching and praying that first Pentecost, the followers of Jesus were not in the temple and they were not on the streets. They were in a home. Church buildings may have been shut but the Church has maybe never been as open, with vibrant, faith fuelled prayer in households up and down our nation and Christians mobilised to do the works of Jesus Christ as we serve and support those in our communities most in need: prayer and care hand in hand.”
As Archbishops Justin and Sentamu have said, “We’ll be taking part in what is sure to be a unique Thy Kingdom Come this year. We encourage you to join us in watching, waiting and praying, as the first Christians did, for God’s Spirit to equip and empower us to be a people who reflect the hope of Jesus in a world of need”