We held an Open Meeting via Zoom with Lucy Abraham from Glass Door on Thursday, 26th November. Lucy spoke about the current situation for rough sleepers locally, Glass Door’s intended response in line with the Covid related restrictions and the support that churches and individuals can give to Glass Door.

If you missed the meeting you can listen here:

The slides from the meeting are available here:

During the talk, Lucy mentioned many ways that you can support the work of Glass Door or help a homeless person.

If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 that you have seen sleeping rough in London, you can use the Streetlink website to send an alert to StreetLink. The details you provide will be reviewed by the StreetLink team who will look at the information you provide and make a judgement as to whether the alert is suitable to be sent to the local street outreach for the area in which you have seen the person, to help them find the individual and connect them to support.

It is important to note that if you think the person you are concerned about is under 18 please do not contact StreetLink but instead call the police.

Please click here to find out how you can help the work of Glass Door this winter.